In Bangladesh, the people are experiencing what the World Health Organization (WHO) calls a mass poisoning from their drinking water supplies. According the YaleNews, this arsenic contamination most likely comes from tube wells which were being used as a way to provide safer drinking water to the people of Bangladesh. However, recent studies show that the people of Bangladesh have almost 20 times the amount of arsenic present within their bodies than those in the United States.
Along with the harmful health conditions, other factors such as a decline in productivity, earnings, and cognition were also recognized as a consequence of this contamination. Furthermore, university researchers discovered that arsenic found within an individual’s body could be contributed by a recurring family trait. As some parts of the DNA found within some the population showed signs of producing arsenic from within the body.
Researchers strongly suggest that if these conditions can be improved, then a positive effect may be found within the economy as individuals who contain less arsenic tend to seek and retain higher employment. More studies on how to best resolve Bangladesh’s arsenic contamination problem are currently being conducted.
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